Dissection of square to two different polygons

Author : Gavin Theobald

{3}+{4} Triangle + Square
{3}+{5} Triangle + Pentagon
{3}+{6} Triangle + Hexagon
{3}+{7} Triangle + Heptagon
{3}+{8} Triangle + Octagon
{3}+{10} Triangle + Decagon
{3}+{12} Triangle + Dodecagon
{3}+{5/2} Triangle + Pentagram
{3}+{6/2} Triangle + Hexagram
{3}+{8/3} Triangle + Octagram
{4}+{5} Square + Pentagon
{4}+{6} Square + Hexagon
{4}+{7} Square + Heptagon
{4}+{8} Square + Octagon
{4}+{10} Square + Decagon
{4}+{12} Square + Dodecagon
{4}+{5/2} Square + Pentagram
{4}+{6/2} Square + Hexagram
{4}+{8/3} Square + Octagram
{5}+{6} Pentagon + Hexagon
{5}+{7} Pentagon + Heptagon
{5}+{8} Pentagon + Octagon
{5}+{10} Pentagon + Decagon
{5}+{12} Pentagon + Dodecagon
{5}+{5/2} Pentagon + Pentagram
{5}+{6/2} Pentagon + Hexagram
{5}+{8/3} Pentagon + Octagram
{6}+{7} Hexagon + Heptagon
{6}+{8} Hexagon + Octagon
{6}+{10} Hexagon + Decagon
{6}+{12} Hexagon + Dodecagon
{6}+{5/2} Hexagon + Pentagram
{6}+{6/2} Hexagon + Hexagram
{6}+{8/3} Hexagon + Octagram
{7}+{8} Heptagon + Octagon
{7}+{10} Heptagon + Decagon
{7}+{12} Heptagon + Dodecagon
{7}+{5/2} Heptagon + Pentagram
{7}+{6/2} Heptagon + Hexagram
{7}+{8/3} Heptagon + Octagram
{8}+{10} Octagon + Decagon
{8}+{12} Octagon + Dodecagon
{8}+{5/2} Octagon + Pentagram
{8}+{6/2} Octagon + Hexagram
{8}+{8/3} Octagon + Octagram
{10}+{12} Decagon + Dodecagon
{10}+{5/2} Decagon + Pentagram
{10}+{6/2} Decagon + Hexagram
{10}+{8/3} Decagon + Octagram
{12}+{5/2} Dodecagon + Pentagram
{12}+{6/2} Dodecagon + Hexagram
{12}+{8/3} Dodecagon + Octagram
{5/2}+{6/2} Pentagram + Hexagram
{5/2}+{8/3} Pentagram + Octagram
{6/2}+{8/3}  Hexagram + Octagram
6 4
8 7 5
8 7 9 6
10 9 12 11 7
9 8 11 10 13 8
10 9 11 11 13 12 10
8 7 9 9 11 10 11 12
10 10 12 11 14 12 14 11 5/2
9 8 10 10 12 11 12 10 12 6/2
9 8 11 10 13 12 13 10 13 11 8/3

Triangle + Square

Square — Triangle + Square (6 pieces)

The dissection is hingeable.

Triangle + Pentagon

Square — Triangle + Pentagon (8 pieces)

Triangle + Hexagon

Square — Triangle + Hexagon (8 pieces)

Discovered by Ernest Irving Freese.

Triangle + Heptagon

Square — Triangle + Heptagon (10 pieces)

Triangle + Octagon

Square — Triangle + Octagon (9 pieces)

Triangle + Decagon

Square — Triangle + Decagon (10 pieces)

Triangle + Dodecagon

Square — Triangle + Dodecagon (8 pieces)

Discovered by Ernest Irving Freese.

Triangle + Pentagram

Square — Triangle + Pentagram (10 pieces)

Triangle + Hexagram

Square — Triangle + Hexagram (9 pieces)

Triangle + Octagram

Square — Triangle + Octagram {8/3} (9 pieces)

Square + Pentagon

Square — Square + Pentagon (7 pieces)

Square + Hexagon

Square — Square + Hexagon (7 pieces)

Square + Heptagon

Square — Square + Heptagon (9 pieces)

Square + Octagon

Square — Square + Octagon (8 pieces)

Square + Decagon

Square — Square + Decagon (9 pieces)

Square + Dodecagon

Square — Square + Dodecagon (7 pieces)

Square + Pentagram

Square — Square + Pentagram (10 pieces)

Square + Hexagram

Square — Square + Hexagram (8 pieces)

Square + Octagram

Square — Square + Octagram {8/3} (8 pieces)

Pentagon + Hexagon

Square — Pentagon + Hexagon (9 pieces)

Pentagon + Heptagon

Square — Pentagon + Heptagon (12 pieces)

Pentagon + Octagon

Square — Pentagon + Octagon (11 pieces)

Pentagon + Decagon

Square — Pentagon + Decagon (11 pieces)

Pentagon + Dodecagon

Square — Pentagon + Dodecagon (9 pieces)

Pentagon + Pentagram

Square — Pentagon + Pentagram (12 pieces)

Pentagon + Hexagram

Square — Pentagon + Hexagram (10 pieces)

Pentagon + Octagram

Square — Pentagon + Octagram {8/3} (11 pieces)

Hexagon + Heptagon

Square — Hexagon + Heptagon (11 pieces)

Hexagon + Octagon

Square — Hexagon + Octagon (10 pieces)

Hexagon + Decagon

Square — Hexagon + Decagon (11 pieces)

Hexagon + Dodecagon

Square — Hexagon + Dodecagon (9 pieces)

Discovered by Ernest Irving Freese.

Hexagon + Pentagram

Square — Hexagon + Pentagram (11 pieces)

Hexagon + Hexagram

Square — Hexagon + Hexagram (10 pieces)

Hexagon + Octagram

Square — Hexagon + Octagram {8/3} (10 pieces)

Heptagon + Octagon

Square — Heptagon + Octagon (13 pieces)

Heptagon + Decagon

Square — Heptagon + Decagon (13 pieces)

Heptagon + Dodecagon

Square — Heptagon + Dodecagon (11 pieces)

Heptagon + Pentagram

Square — Heptagon + Pentagram (14 pieces)

Heptagon + Hexagram

Square — Heptagon + Hexagram (12 pieces)

Heptagon + Octagram

Square — Heptagon + Octagram {8/3} (13 pieces)

Octagon + Decagon

Square — Octagon + Decagon (12 pieces)

Octagon + Dodecagon

Square — Octagon + Dodecagon (10 pieces)

Octagon + Pentagram

Square — Octagon + Pentagram (12 pieces)

Octagon + Hexagram

Square — Octagon + Hexagram (11 pieces)

Octagon + Octagram

Square — Octagon + Octagram {8/3} (12 pieces)

Decagon + Dodecagon

Square — Decagon + Dodecagon (11 pieces)

Decagon + Pentagram

Square — Decagon + Pentagram (14 pieces)

Decagon + Hexagram

Square — Decagon + Hexagram (12 pieces)

Decagon + Octagram

Square — Decagon + Octagram {8/3} (13 pieces)

Dodecagon + Pentagram

Square — Dodecagon + Pentagram (11 pieces)

Dodecagon + Hexagram

Square — Dodecagon + Hexagram (10 pieces)

Dodecagon + Octagram

Square — Dodecagon + Octagram {8/3} (10 pieces)

Pentagram + Hexagram

Square — Pentagram + Hexagram (12 pieces)

Pentagram + Octagram

Square — Pentagram + Octagram {8/3} (13 pieces)

Hexagram + Octagram

Square — Hexagram + Octagram {8/3} (11 pieces)